Quality Over Quantity

It’s a staple. It’s simple. It’s effective. No equipment needed; the push up can be your go-to strength building movement! But to make the best of this amazing movement, you must do it correctly. By engaging the muscles in the upper body, lower body and core you can get a full body strength building workout. Here is Raeid demonstrating all the key, beautiful and essential qualities in the bottom of the push up: hips and back engaged (not sagging), elbows at 90 degrees (triceps engages), quads off the floor, chest touching the floor; keeping core engaged.
Where there is quality, there is strength!

Workout (for 4/19):
4 Sets:
3 OHS @1010 Tempo
*Buiding to an RPE 9
Quarterfinal Workout #1
4 Rounds for max reps of:
1 Minutes of snatches
1 Minutes of rowing for calories
1 Minutes of dumbbell box step-ups 20"
1 Minute of rest