Operation Japan Relief next Saturday!


Team A  runs  Caldwell Loop (1000m) While Team B gets as many rounds as possible per member of: 5K2E 10 wtd lunges (20/30) 20 dbl unders

Rest 2 min Switch…  team B runs while team A gets AMRAP Rest 2min

Team A rows 1000m per person While Team B gets as many rounds as possible per member of: 10 wallballs 7 pullups

Switch…team B rows while team A gets AMRAP

Every round plus rep counts


OPERATION JAPAN RELIEF- a fundraiser where we will donate raised funds to the Red Cross to help out Japan.

All day on April 9th you will be able to donate, but between 8 am and 10 am you will be able to participate in a Crossfit style poker workout where, well, you can bet, workout, and donate! Prizes to be announced! Please come! Stay tuned for more info....