Crossfit Serenity

photo-589The Bouchard's, Crossfit Serenity.

Board ALERT.  Please hand in your Nancy time and Snatch weight if you have not already, even if your numbers were on the board.  Thank you


Midline - 3 Rounds:

30 second hollow rock

5 Weighted toe to bar

15 GHD sit ups

20 Hip Extensions


1min Row (cal)

1min shuttle run (~20 yards)

1min rest

1min burpee

1 min rest

Programming: Gary

ExcelPerformance_logo_swoosh_lg Excel Performance is joining forces with Crossfit Santa Cruz Central! Jill McCormick, Physical Therapist and Certified Athletic Trainer, and CSCC want to make sure you stay healthy and able to train without risk of injury. Have a nagging ache or a pain? Do you have an old injury you want to avoid aggravating? Having difficulty with your clean, snatch, or squat? Trouble achieving full range of motion overhead or touching your toes?

Jill can help!

Future free consults to be offered weekly; times to be determined and/or by appointment. 831-566-2004