For Now



This competitive Crossfit journey Annie has been on started over two years ago when she qualified for the 2011 Regionals. Since that point, the Crossfit Games has been in some way shape or form consciously or subconsciously in her mind; every single day, every hour, every minute, every second. It is part of the commitment and dedication required to compete at the highest level. This is not a bad thing at all. To be in that position is an incredible opportunity well deserved for a passionate, inspirational and gifted person like Annie. She deserves so much credit for her hard work, genuine love and competitive grace. You are only able to truly comprehend a reality like how much something like The Games is a part of you when it is taken away, as it was tonight in the last workout of the 2013 Regionals. For the first time in over two years she can let go, for now, and I couldn't be happier for her. We love you Annie!


Do What Annie Did:

Teams of two complete all the work Annie did at the Northern California Regionals on Friday and Saturday for time:

Partners can work at the same time and split the reps however they like but must complete each workout before moving on to the next one.

Workout 1 - 1000 m row, 50 thrusters (45#), and 30 pull ups.
Workout 2 - 1000 #'s of OHS (Annie did 3X175 and 3X 180 - Teams can use whatever weight to get to 1000#s), 28 burpees, 28 muscle ups (modify with dips)
Workout 3 - 100 C2B pull ups, 100 walls balls (14 # ball to 10' target), 100 pistols, and 3,950 #s of 1-arm snatch ( Annie did 79 reps at 50#, lower weight db's can be used but will require more reps to get to weight total)
Workout 4 - 9,225 #'s of Deadlift (45 reps at 205, both partners can be on the bar at the same time), 45 box jumps (24" box).