Nobody Knows I'm Drunk

Sometimes in workouts you may feel or find your body gravitating towards a certain movement pattern that feels more efficient.  Not going to much into the theory here but essentially there are stable patterns of movement that our neuromuscular system is drawn to.  This is very similar to the idea of a concentration gradient, i.e. there is a slope to the stable movement pattern.  It's an interesting idea to look into because our bodies have a very unique way of communicating this stability to us.  The dumbbell hang power clean was an example to look at today.  Teaching this movement conventionally, we'd want it to look similar to a barbell hang power clean, mostly in regards to the primary movement pattern of jumping and landing.  As some noticed this morning, when considering the context of the exercise, this was not the most efficient way their bodies were communicating to perform the movement.  Instead it was something like a muscle clean bicep curl.  
The important thing to know is that there are countless variables to consider in what is the most efficient movement pattern for our bodies.  It is hard to logically think and with total validity determine what the best way is, hence the million and one different ways to do any movement.  What is important is that you are listening to your body and learning what your body has to say about what the most efficient stable pattern is (this is HUGE in injury prevention as well, don't ignore your body because no hablo ingles).
Watch Sparky here go from a more classic jump and land power clean to this other muscle clean curl movement.  Do you notice the concentration gradient or movement he was attracted to?
Oh and Gia with a super classic shirt.


12 Minute AMRAP:
8 dumbbell hang power clean (35/45lb)
6 dumbbell push press
4 dumbbell lunge
2 rope climbs
Then, five minute rest.
For time:
600 meter run