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Without critiquing these photos, what picture looks like Mike is in a stronger position?
My guess is you think the position on the right looks stronger?  If not, I'd love to hear why you think the photo on the left looks stronger.
The photo on the left Mike has a higher percentage of his weight leaned in to the front foot.  It is an uneven or unbalanced distribution of weight, i.e. he is not centered between his feet.  Notice on the right, his hips and torso appear to be more centrally located between his feet. 
It's important also to note that Mike felt exactly what is described.  He felt he was weighing to much into his front foot in the photo on the left, and he felt more solid and balanced in the photo on the right.
Probably the biggest culprit in finding yourself in a position like the one on the left, is following your front foot when you go from the drive to the split land.  It's something we all need to focus and work on to find ourselves in a more effective, efficient and safe split land position.
An easy way to watch for this in someone is to watch if their torso dips straight down, drives straight up, and if it comes straight back down.  Also, as shown in the photo on the right, we are going for that front knee to be right over the ankle - a perpendicular angle of the shin.  It's OK to have the knee slightly behind the ankle, as some top weightlifters do, but what we don't' want is for the knee to be tracking in front of the ankle. 


5 x 5 Press In Split
*all sets count including barbell

3 x 3 Jerk In Split

5 x 1 Split jerk