It'll Take More Than A Pack Of Wolves

Anejandro has been subbing more classes and hanging around the gym a bit.  It's been a little challenging to be honest.  She seems to always be looking for a confrontation.  The other day she decided to challenge the whole 9am class in a tug of war contest.  She claims to have never lost a match to any human(s).  The only loss she reported came at the hooves of a pack of wild wolves.  I'm not even sure wolves have hooves, but I was not going to question her remarks.  She reassuringly went on to tell us how that pack of wolves were so unsportsmanlike in their victory, that she felt it was only appropriate to slaughter their whole family and make mustaches out of their fur.  Not letting anyone get any words in, she went on to show us pictures of her whole family, including her 19 children, who all have mustaches that look just like Anejandro's.  She has no more Fridays to sub as of right now, but I'm getting worried she's enjoying Santa Cruz a little too much and will never leave!  It should be fine, but if you see her around, don't look her in the eye or the mustache and make sure you keep walking.  If you stop she may pin you to the wall with one of her stories or challenge you to a duel of some kind. 
Oh and don't worry about her reading this, she has yet to use a computer.


5 sets:
2 Power Snatch

For time:
500 meter row
20 burpee box jumps (20/24in)