Personal Perserverance And Effort

When was the last time you checked out the "mainsite"?  - that of course being the lingo for  Other than workouts, they post interesting articles every once in a while.  Love the big picture idea of this article below - how our perspective and effort are very important in determining our future.  Very encouraging.   
"There’s one key difference between kids who excel at math and those who don’t," Quartz.


3 rounds for time:
Start with as many times through of the following complex, unbroken: 1 rep hang power snatch (65/95), 2 reps behind the beck split jerk, 1 rep shoulder press, 2 reps hang power clean, 1 rep front squat.
Then, subtract the number of rounds of the complex completed from 7 and do that many rounds of the following: 10 push ups, 10 V-ups, and 20 double unders. Rest 1 minute.