Strong Intentions

There are many different ways to lift a barbell. Even something as simple as a deadlift can be broken down into an innumerable amount of styles, techniques and methods. Although these varying ways of lifting look different on the outside, there are probably a handful of agreed upon commonalities in all deadlifts.

Larisa I believe demonstrates one of these perennial techniques in lifting - and that is to be connected to or engaged with the bar before lifting. You can notice this easily in her set up right before she lifts. Do you see how she generates tension between her and the bar by “squeezing” or getting tight. Also notice how her position (angle of her back) is kept consistent off the ground. This is the main reason it is taught to be connected to the bar off the ground. If you try to lift a heavy barbell while your body is relaxed, the weight is simply going to win and take you out of a good position.

Mental preparedness is also key to lifting heavy weights, and by engaging as Larisa does here, it gives us a good sign she has strong intentions to lift the weight.


Deadlift 10 minutes:
Work up to a heavy set of 2

Deadlift (155/225lb)
Ring Dip