Saved By the Barbell

Today we did the workout “Saved By the Barbell”. You may be wondering where the workout got the name or what it’s all about.
”Saved By the Barbell” is a fundraiser workout that benefits kids all over. Metabolic diseases are more and more common amongst kids these days; a product of waning physical education in schools, poor food options in cafeterias and the growing prevalence and availability of sugary drinks and food everywhere you turn. One of the ways to reverse this phenomenon is to help kids get physical and educate them about their food choices. Proceeds from the workout go to supporting Crossfit programs that are kid focused all over.
Although the actual fundraiser happened a couple of weeks ago, it’s never too late to donate or help out!! Here’s the link:
Saved By the Barbell



3 Round: for max reps of:

  • 1 minute of Burpees

  • 1 minute of Wall-Ball Shots (20/14#)

  • 1 minute of Deadlifts

  • 1 minute of Med-Ball Sit-Ups

  • 1 minute of Hang Power Cleans

  • Rest 1 minute