El Señor Fuerte

Your fearless Sunday leader…



With a partner:
6 rounds (3 at each station), 3:00 minutes on, 1:00 rest.
Partner one starts AMRAPing 10 double unders, 2 power cleans (95/135). While partner one is completing rounds of the couplet, partner 2 is cycling through a series of single dumbbell (30/40) static holds, changing the hold every time partner one completes a round. The static holds are as follows:
Weighted hollow hold
Farmer hold (right arm)
Farmer hold (left arm)
Front rack (right arm)
Front rack (left arm)
Overhead hold (right arm)
Overhead hold (left arm)
If partner one finishes eight rounds both partners then AMRAP sit ups for the remainder of the 3:00 round. Partners switch roles every round. The team’s score is there total number of couplet rounds, static holds, and sit ups completed.