Talking Elite Fitness

Couple things here. If you’re a fan of the Crossfit Games and literally or boderline have no idea what’s going on this year, I HIGHLY recommend taking a listen to the “Talking Elite Fitness” podcast with Tommy Marquez and Sean Woodland. Not only are they super knowledgeable, dialed in and passionate about CrossFit, they are kinda hilarious. Check out the episode “Super Mega CrossFit Games Preview Extravaganza” and you’ll feel much better about what’s happening at The Games this year. The short episode about the new scoring system is really good as well.

The Games are next week - anyone getting psyched!?!



4 Sets:
5 Back Squat @ 90% of Monday's lift
8-10 Stiff Leg DL (+10-20 pounds from last week)

1 Min: KBS (53/35#)
1 Min: Wall Ball (20/14#)
1 Min Rest
2 Min: KBS (53/35#)
2 Min: Wall Ball (20/14#)
1 Min Rest
3 Min: KBS (53/35#)
3 Min: Wall Ball (20/14#)
1 Min Rest
400m Run