Postive Vibes

Dillon has been such a great addition to the gym.  He always comes in with nothing but positive vibes, willing to listen and work hard.   

Anyone know who this guy is?  He posts incredible videos, don't think I've ever seen him or his name anywhere else, Clarence something?


3 x 2 Front Squat

5 Rounds:
2 minute AMRAP:
Wall Ball (14/20lb)(10/11ft)
Toe To Bar
*score lowest combined reps in whatever round

Honeymoon Phase

It's always great the first week coming off a seminar.  So much information to put to use, so many things to experiment with.  Today, feeling inspired and motivated from the Power Monkey seminar we had this weekend, a few of us tried our go at some heavy weights, not to mention worked on some L-pull ups and ring dips with the classes.  Connor started the day off getting a PR clean and jerk at 315lb.  He then proceeded to smash a snatch double at 225lb, yes it was all poetry in motion, Joe's coming for you though!  Then Shane came in looking like he spent a year at some olympic training center, so much progress, so many improvements.  Mainly, as Mike was emphasizing Saturday, shane slowing down nicely, demonstrating what it means to take your time, patience attains the goal!  He came close to his PR but you could easily see his ceiling is now substantially higher than it was before Saturday.  He has big lifts coming in the future.  Gary followed that up with a 1RM at 190lb.  He hasn't been around those weights in a long time so hitting a weight he never had before was a big win.  The work we did with Mike on Saturday was a tremendous help.  Joe came in after that and PR'd his clean at 235b.  He was looking super solid, committing nicely to his lifts.  He also looked like he was feeding off the energy from the seminar.
The key now is to enjoy and benefit from this energy the Power Monkey guys provided, but going forward to be diligent and consisitent with the things we need to work on even after the seminar honey moon phase has ended. 


L-Pull Up
Ring Dip with 2 second turn out hold at top

3 Round:
2 minute AMRAP: 
200 meter run buy-in,
Double Under
2 minute AMRAP:
20 Burpee buy-in
shuttle run (15 meter run around)