Mainstay Mallory

It has been great having Mallory back in the gym recently.  She was such a mainstay a few years back.  One thing I honestly forgot about her was how good her split jerks are.  She may have (intelectually) forgot as well, but the nueromuscular system (body) sure dind't forget.  Just like riding a bike - she was back at it this morning looking muy bonita in her split land!


2 minute: 10 full clean and jerk
1 minute: 10 burpee
2 minute: 8 full clean and jerk
1 minute: 10 burpee
2 minute: 6 full clean and jerk
1 minute: 10 burpee
2 minute: 4 full clean and jerk
1 minute: 10 burpee
2 minute: 2 full clean and jerk
1 minute: 10 burpee