Don't Miss This

We are so lucky to have the one and ONLY Dave Durante coming back to CFSCC in October. If you missed him the first you shouldn't miss him this time!! He is amazing on his hands (click the photo to watch the "Evolution of the Handstand" which he did without coming down and speaking the whole time) and an even better coach.
Sign up at:



Minute on/Minute Rest Interval:
100/70 Calories
15 Maneater (Power Clean) (40/30#)
50 Box Jump (30/24")
15 Maneater
10 Rope Climb



One of the most unique and best things about Crossfit is the community. We have our immediate community (our home gym) and the greater community which extends county, country and world wide. I feel very fortunate for this community--I have been supported by it in many ways for many years. Here is a way for us to support our community and a good cause (Childhood Cancer Foundation). If you can't make the event, you can still just donate any amount at any time.





25 Front Squats
*1 minute rest between sets