What a Week!!

Lauren was handling the 35# dumbbells quite nicely during the Devil’s Presses today.
The Devil’s Press was the cherry on top of a bunch of new movements we did this week.



10 minutes to build to a 1 Clean

3 Rounds:
Every 2 Minutes:
2-5 Weighted Pull Ups
5 Goblet Cossack Squats/side

10 Minute AMRAP:
5 Devil’s Press (50/35#)
4 Weighted Box Step Ups (50/35#) (20”)
3 Toes to Bar


This week is all about learning new skills. I bet no one thought baby-holds were on the agenda! You never know what’s coming down the pipes, so be prepared for the unknown and unknowable!



10 minute skill work:
split jerk

Partner Workout:
6 rounds: 250 meter row while partner sandbag holds
4 rounds: 1 prowler push (heavy) while partner hollow holds
2 rounds: 250 meter ski while partner hold dip support