HBD, Maxx!

We love birthdays at Central… and largely thanks to Flo, we won’t ever miss one! Haha! Happy Birthday, Maxx! We can always rely on you at 6am; always with a great attitude, always with a smile and always ready to work hard!

Workout (for 5/24):
3 Sets:

6 Bulgarian Split Squats/Side
*Heavier than last week
3 Sets:
10 BB Stagger Stance RDL/Side
*Same weight as last week
40 Box Jumps (24/20")
50 Wall Balls (20/14#)
60 Burpees
70 Alternating DB Snatches (35/50#)

Looking for something to do over Memorial Weekend? Well, if you’d like to help us move, we will be meeting at the gym (Old San Jose Road location) at 8am! Let’s do this!!!

Monday (5/27) Class Schedule:
Murph 8AM
Fit4Lyfe 10:30

Looking Ahead...

We will be having a “moving day” this Sunday if you are available to lend a hand! We’ll be meeting at the gym in the morning (time to be announced)…
Thank you in advance for anything you can do to help!

Workout (for 5/23):
HSPU Practice
3 Sets:
6 DB Floor Press
12 KB Gorilla Rows
12 BB Curls
Rest :90
800m Run
45 HSPU (kipping)
800m Run

Memorial Day Schedule
Monday, May 27th:
8 AM Murph
10:30 Fit4Lyfe