Time To Get All Touchy-Feely

Does it sound a little "woo-woo" to be cued before your clean to focus on how you feel?
  The truth of the matter is that a lot of once considered woo-woo approaches to human performance and science in general are now being backed by the research.  Examples:  Acupuncture coverage through insurance, mindfulness in schools, and commercial float centers [shameless plug ;)].  Another example is how to learn new skills or "upgrade" the brain.
First, slowing down is hugely effective for learning new skills.  Taking your time through a movement will send more sensory information to your brain to map this new (or old) skill.  On the other hand, going fast though movements doesn't allow enough time to effectively register the information coming from the senses.  
Secondly, being aware of your movement.  It goes perfectly with slowing down.  While you slow down, you apply your attention to important parts of the movement.  Having more attention in a particular sensory location amplifies the signal to the brain to map the activity.  On the other hand, movement through thinking doesn't give the brain as much real information to generate new pathways for skill learning. 
For example, on a clean you could think about taking the first pull (from ground to mid-thigh) slower than usual, while at the same time bringing your attention to how your back is feeling.  Is my back tight?  Did my back falter in any way?  
Maybe the most important aspect of this is that being "tuned in" in this way is something that takes a lot of time to practice and get good at.  
When you watch any of the best athletes and performers in the world perform at their best, do you think they are rushing things?  Are they are thinking a lot?  Are they talking themselves in and out of decisions?  Or are they completely in their body and performance?  Do they feel like everything is slowed down and the actions just happen seamlessly?  This is "the zone."  
Every athlete who got to an elite level had to practice countless hours.  Now you know a fast track to get yourself into a "zone-like" state for increased performance.
Slow down.  Less thinking.  More feeling.
Stefan from Iceland this morning looking super solid!


10 minutes to establish a 3RM clean

3 legless rope climbs
21 thrusters (65/95lb)
2 legless rope climbs
15 thrusters (65/95lb)
1 legless rope climbs
9 thrusters (65/95lb)

Get Set...

Get outside!  After class of course ;)



20 minute AMRAP: Wall balls
Buy in:
Five rounds - 1 minute rest between rounds
Rounds 1, 3, and 5:
4 times through of:
3 DL (153/225), 6 push ups, 9 squats
Rounds 2 and 4:
4 times through of: 3 power cleans (83/135), 6 push ups, and 9 squats.
The score is the reps of wall balls completed after the buy in.