
We had two great visitors wall balling with us this morning at the 9am; Daniel and Clemens. Clemens helps run BoxRox  magazine, an online magazine focused on competitive fitness and Crossfit.



3 Rounds:
3 Minute AMRAP:
Wall Balls (20/14#--1st round), Burpees (2nd round), Wall Ball and Burpee Ladder (3rd round)
Rest 1 Minute
2 Minute AMRAP:
Run for meters
Rest 1 Minute
1 Minute AMRAP:
Toes to Bar

Hands On!

Today's workout required that one of the two partners always be kettlebell swinging or partners had to rest 1 minute. Definitely necessitated some strategy and communication between partners.



With a partner for time:
40 power cleans (95/135)
100 push ups
100 sit ups
Teams always have to have at least one person doing kettle bell swings (35/53). If at any point neither partner is doing KBSs then they rest a mandatory 60 seconds minimum.