Burpees for Everyone!

Burpees are a great training exercise for metabolic capacity, speed and explosive power. As we age burpees become important for training agility, coordination, stability and balance. As we age even further, burpees become a critical exercise for enforcing the skill of picking ourselves up off the floor and controlling ourselves down to the floor; An exercise that could potentially save your life!
So… you might say, the Burpee is the perfect exercise to add to your training regime; wherever you are at in your fitness journey.
Burpees for Everyone!

Workout (for 4/16):
3 Sets:

2 Push Jerk
*Adding weight from last week
3 Sets:
14 KB Gorilla Row
4 BB Bench Press @40x1 Tempo
8 DB Ext. Rotations/Side
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Wall Walk
100' Farmer Carry bt sets