The Give And Take Of Coaching

Cool little coaching moment here between Robert and Carmen.  Robert said he had a nice little breakthrough in his snatch today.  You can tell by this photo he was giving Carmen his undivided attention, listening.  Carmen also puts a lot of time and effort into her coaching, she is very thorough and cares about her craft.  This photo to me captures both sides of that coach-client relationship.  It's the give and take of coaching, very special.


Seven sets of:
Snatch Deadlift + Shrug

7 minute clock:
2 rope climbs
2 muscle ups
1 rope climb
2 muscle ups
3 handstand push ups
1 rope climb
2 muscle ups
3 handstand push ups
4 box jumps (24/20in)
1 rope climb
2 muscle ups
3 handstand push ups
4 box jumps (24/20in)
1 rope climb
2 muscle ups
3 handstand push ups
4 box jumps
5 burpee pull ups
With the remaining time: KBS (53/70lb)