
Rowena was getting under the bar nicely in her jerk this morning with fast elbow extension.  If you feel like you're working or there is tension as you extend your elbows overhead in the jerk, you're probably not releasing under bar enough or at all.  After the bar is driven overhead with the legs and hips, you essentially press your body under the bar while your feet are not putting any force into the ground.  Because your feet are not putting any force into the ground as you get underneath the bar, you should have a weightless feeling.  This is why you should not feel like you are doing any work during that time while you get under the bar, you are free from gravity. 


Press in Split 3 x 5

Split Jerk + (squat) Clean 5 x 1

5 rounds:
7 clean and jerk (95/135lb)
35 double under
- 1 minute rest -