
Perry has been such an incredible addition to our gym. He is always helping out in any way he can. Here he is with Kevin a couple of weeks ago fishing jump ropes out of a box at 6am. Oh, by the way, please stop trying to hide the heavy ropes in the boxes... ;)


Partner Workout:

10 Minute AMRAP:
5 Burpees
10 Wall Balls (20/14#)
5 Pull Ups
(One partner holds a plate OH while the other works. They run 200m after each round)
Rest 5 Minutes
12 minute clock:
30 Deadlift
20 Burpees
30 Front Squat
20 Burpees
30 Push Press
20 Burpees
AMRAP Clean and Jerk with remainder of time
(Partners can split work as desired)