
A couple shots here of the 8am this morning.  First is a shot of all 8 rowers in action going for a 1K, the start to a challenging workout.  The second is Angi showing us a solid overhead power catch position.

John Mootz, part of our Crossfit family, will be undergoing a medical procedure in the next couple weeks.  Afterwards we will have the opportunity to give in the way of making meals.  Please click the link below for more information and to sign up!



10 Rounds:
2 Push Jerk
1 Power Clean
*EMOM for 5 rounds and then go up (optional) and complete the next 5 rounds every 90 seconds

1000 meter row
100 Wall Ball (20/14lb)
50 Pull Ups

Party time!
This Sunday the 30th, 11:30am.
The party will be catered by Foodsmith!  (
Feel free to bring drinks and/or desserts.