FUNctional Fitness

Mayo and Josyane have been working with Kelly 3-4 times a week for the past 6 months, with great results. Both ladies have gotten considerably stronger.
Mayo told me today that one of the reasons she loves Crossfit so much is it reminds her of growing up in Davenport. She said she would be out climbing trees, crossing creeks, playing basketball on a slanted court and running all over the wilderness. The feeling she has when she’s done with Crossfit is the same feeling she would go home with when she was a little girl; dirty, sweaty, tired and fulfilled. The FUN of FUNctional fitness!



12 Minutes to Build to a Single Deadlift

With a Partner:
1 Mile Run
150 Power Snatch (75/55#)
1 Mile Run
Mile Runs are done in 200m Relays