Enemy Mind

David gutting out the 155lb workout.

Really cool article from the Crossfit Journal on the mental side of Crossfit (http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/CFJ_04_2013_Mental_Tseng3.pdf), more specifically the role your thoughts play in performance.  Here are a 3 outstanding sentences from part 5, "relax in the zone."
"The mentally fit know the human mind defaults back to clarity and the zone."
"What these athletes don’t realize is that the zone they seek is our true nature, and the only 
thing that can get in our way is our thinking."
"The quickest way to get into the zone is to do nothing to get into the zone.


3 x 2 Split Jerk

Push Press 7-6-5-4-3
Deadlift 21-18-15-12-9
Shuttle Run 3-3-3-3-3
*10 yard turn arounds, down and back is one