Willful to be Skillful

Sometimes we have to take a movement and not worry about the number that gets associated with it (weight or time) and just focus on practicing the SKILL part of that movement. Today had a couple of opportunities for that. First with the split jerk; the idea on today’s split jerk was to be able to hold the pause in the dip (creating awareness in that position) and receive the bar locked out and balanced in the feet. Then the workout had three different types of movements on the bar where someone could practice their kip swing.
Both Alexis and Greg have been focusing on the SKILL piece of Toes to Bar and it is paying off for both of them!!


10 Minutes of skill work on Split Jerk

21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
1k Row
21 Pull Ups
750m Row
21 Toes to Bar
500m Row