The Lovely Flo

PhotobucketToday is Flo's birthday. Occasionally I get a little carried away trying to create unique workouts and I can only imagine what the Sunday crew is thinking when they walk in and look at the day's WOD. To their credit they never blink an eye and get right to it. While everyone is great that way, Flo is the most game to try something new. She brings great energy and enthusiasm and is a total pleasure to have in class. Thank you Flo and I hope you have had a great birthday! - Josh



For total reps - The only things timed are the set rest periods. Round 1: (25/35) dumb bells The following progression equals 1 rep: 1 Dumb bell deadlift, 1 hang clean, 1 shoulder press, 1 box step up (one leg, alternate each progression). Do as many as you can until you have to put the dumb bells down (should be no more than 10 reps), rest 30 seconds, repeat, rest 45 seconds, repeat, rest 60 seconds.  At the end of 60 seconds of rest, push the prowler (140/180) at a walking pace for max distance without stopping.  Every 5 meters counts as one rep.  Once you need to stop go for a 400 meter recovery run/jog/shuffle.  The score is total sum of reps. Rest 2 minutes Round 2:  Do the same thing as round 1 except substitute hang power cleans for hang cleans and push press for shoulder press. Sum total number of reps.

Programming: Josh