Crack The Code

photo-1946Greg cocked back ready to fire. Shows a great prep position.

Cracking The Code On Egg Labeling


For time:
10,8,6,4,2 reps of ring rows.  In between each set complete 1 rep of dead lift (175/275#). Example: 10 ring rows, 1 dead lift, 8 ring rows, 1 dead lift, etc.
50 double unders.
10,8,6,4,2, clapping/plyometric push ups with 1 rep of dead lift in between sets.
50 double unders
20,16,12,8,4 wall balls with 1 rep of dead lift in between sets.

Hey everyone. The Diamond in the Tough competition is in full swing. We have several members competing and many of them will make the final on Sept 29th.
The final is at CrossFit West Santa Cruz and we need volunteers! If you are interested, register here
Volunteers get food, T-shirts and some really cool SWAG bags !
Programming: Josh